As an educator, I have always loved giving tests. There was something so rewarding about watching my middle school students march in single file into my classroom and take an exam packet off my desk. On good days, there was still some of the joy of lunch hour left in their eyes at the beginning […]
“Every Writer Needs a Cat”
One of the benefits of residency is that I get to uproot my life every few years, ditching the nagging responsibility of upholding friendships with even my closest friends. As an added bonus, this means I get to collect friends like I used to collect snow globes–the more, the merrier! Ah, the extrovert’s dream. One […]
Parasites and New Years Resolutions
We are five days into the new year already! Happy 2019! How are those resolutions coming along? All still roaring with the success of blind faith and optimism brought on by a sugar-induced holiday haze? I have to admit, my resolution right now is one-fold: function better than I have been since the onset of […]